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Hardangervidda - The largest national park in the Nordic region

Spectacular, magnificent nature wealth

Large flat undulating expanses, gurgling streams and spectacular waterfalls, diverse animal and plant life, and fishing opportunities in buckets and pails. These are all some of the ingredients that Hardangervidda has to offer its guests from far and near.

Hardangervidda is Europe's largest high mountain plateau with a wide range and variations from nature. Here you will find everything from one of Norway's largest glaciers - Hardangergjökulen - to the right-hand mountain peaks and large expanses.

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Hansbu on Hardangervidda from the west to the south

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From the many fishy lakes one can get large and fine mountain trout in summer and winter. One of Europe's largest wild reindeer migrates unobstructed in the terrain, and with its presence controls how the traffic will otherwise take place on the plateau. Our ancestors lived well off the food platter that large animal and plant life manages on the large plains. Hunting within regulated laws is also still popular on Hardangervidda, mainly on grouse and reindeer.

Reindeer herd on Hardangervidda

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Hansbu an early winter morning

Winter atmosphere at Hardangervidda

In winter, Hardangervidda is one of the most popular areas for long and solid skiing, but also more modern activities such as kiting are increasing. The forces of nature are impossible to joke on the plateau, and they can sometimes be violent and demanding.

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